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Code of Conduct


  • Please do not interrupt a class that is in session.

  • Only water is allowed in the studios. No food, drinks, or chewing gum.

  • Our priority is the safety of every child on the school premises. if you bring younger children or siblings of our dancers you  must make sure they are supervised at all times and are not left free to run around the waiting room or classroom areas. The car park and adjoining areas are not to be used as a playground.

  • No mobile phones are to be used during the class and must be on silent during class. IF there is a important reason for your phone needing to be audible then it must be discussed with the class teacher.

  • Students and parents are restricted from contacting teachers by phone, email, text messages, etc. All communication with teachers must go through the director. Under privacy law phone numbers cannot be given out without the permission of the person concerned.

  • Please only speak positively about teachers, students, or parents from Riga Victoria Dance Academy or other schools. Our studios are a gossip free zone and as our dance industry is a close knit community word will always get back.

  • All students must show respect for their teachers and other students at all times. Inappropriate behaviour could result in dismissal from the school.

  • Long hair must be pulled back and up off the neck and face (except in Hip Hop). No dangling, chunky jewellery or watches are to be worn in class for safety reasons.

  • No smoking is allowed on the premises. No alcohol may be consumed on the premises.

  • Belongings and valuables should not be left unattended. The studio takes no responsibility for lost items left ianywhere on the premises. Please bring any money or handbags into the studio.

  • Filming and photography in class is only allowed when permission is granted by the teacher/choreographer. Due to strict Privacy and Copyright laws, recorded footage MUST NOT be shared in public or on any social media without the consent of the director,  teacher and subjects.


Student and Parent Use of Social Media

Use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, blogging, and other online social-media vehicles is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide students and parents with guidelines to eliminate any confusion concerning the use of social media.

  • You do not have permission to reveal any information that compromises Riga Victoria Dance Academy. By that we mean you are forbidden to share personal information about the director, teachers, other students or their families, or anything that is proprietary and/or confidential to them.

  • Students and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of Riga Victoria dance Academy

  • Never post anything that could compromise the self-esteem of students who attend Riga Victoria dance Academy

  • Riga Victoria dance Academy owns the copyright to all choreography taught at the school. Do not post any videos of class or rehearsals and choreography without permission from the director.

  • Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, and copyright and fair use. Parents and students should never post negative comments about other schools or teachers. Also, please do not post negative comments about school activities such as competitions, conventions, and performances or about the directors of those events.

  • All use of Social Media should be for a positive purpose and not for bullying, harassment or violation of any other person. 

  • Ensure that your social networking conduct is consistent with all of the policies as well as any as on our main notice board.

Use of Cameras & Video cameras

Filming and photography in class is only allowed when permission is granted by the teacher/choreographer. Due to strict Privacy and Copyright laws, recorded footage MUST NOT be shared in public or on any social media without the consent of the studio, teacher/choreographer and subjects.

We understand that one of the best ways to practice routines is to record and watch/rehearse the steps repeatedly. Because of this, we do allow students to occasionally record routines intended for rehearsal purposes only. Please do not film through doors or windows and make sure permission has been granted before recording.

Any abuse of this agreement will result in the student/parent being asked to delete all footage and possibly leave the premises.

Mobile Phones

Students may bring their mobile phones into the studio for safe keeping, but they must not be audible or switched on. If there is an emergency or an urgent need to have the phone on then this must be discussed with the class teacher and kept with the teacher. Exchanging messages, recording, filming or texting at anytime is not permitted within the class room.

All content & images on this website are © 2016 by Riga Victoria Dance Academy Australia.  All rights reserved.

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